What was in this article

  1. How do bulk-forming laxatives work?

  2. What are Bulk-Forming Laxatives

  3. What Effects do Bulk-Forming Laxatives Have on Our Bowels?

  4. What are the Benefits of Bulk-Forming Laxatives?

  5. Possible Side Effects

How do bulk-forming laxatives work?

This article explains what bulk-forming laxatives are, how they work, health benefits and possible side effects.

What are Bulk-Forming Laxatives

Bulk-forming laxatives are sometimes called fibre supplements. They're a first-line treatment to help manage constipation. Common bulk-forming laxative ingredients include:


  • Psyllium
  • Polycarbophil
  • Methylcellulose

What Effects do Bulk-Forming Laxatives Have on Our Bowels?

Bulk-forming laxatives absorb water from the intestines. This adds bulk to the stool, which stimulates the bowel to contract naturally. These contractions help digested food to move through your intestines and form a stool which is softer and easier to pass. Bulk-forming laxatives don't have an immediate effect and can take up to three days to work.

What are the Benefits of Bulk-Forming Laxatives?

These laxatives are useful in maintaining regular bowel movements. Bulk-forming laxatives are often recommended as first-line treatment to help manage constipation.


They work over a long period of time and cause a gradual improvement in symptoms. This can help prevent the difficult side effects commonly associated with stimulant laxatives, such as the urgency to open your bowels.

Possible Side Effects

Bulk-forming laxatives should be taken as directed by your doctor. Make sure you don't exceed the daily recommended dose. It's also important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids when taking these laxatives to avoid intestinal blockages.


As with any laxative, there are possible side effect including:


  • Abdominal (stomach) cramps
  • Wind
  • Bloating


To reduce the risk of side effects, take bulk-forming laxatives in small amounts at first, gradually increasing the dose as needed. It's recommended that you go to the toilet as soon as you feel the urge to. Try to avoid any resistance of opening your bowels, as this can worsen constipation symptoms.


If you notice any unusual and/or persistent changes or are concerned about your bowel movements, you should discuss this with a GP or other healthcare professional.


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